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Welcome to the
First United Methodist Church of Paxton

Upcoming Events
Red Cross Blood Drive at PUMC on April 10
United Women in Faith prayer meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month @ 10 am in the prayer room.
Prairie City Wine Room Get Togethers - March 27, April 24, May 22, June 26, July 24, August 28, September 25, October 23, November 20 and December 18. All dates subject to change.
HS YF Paint Party Fundraiser will be held April 12 in the church basement. For more information, click here.
Volunteers Needed for the Hands of Christ Food Pantry:
* People to help on Saturdays
* Driver to pick up at Walmart 1-2 Fridays/month (truck, van or SUV needed)
Sign up at the back of the church or contact Cara (217-249-9978)
Plastic or paper grocery bags are also needed.
Thank you for ALL the support for Mrs. Claus’s Closetthis year. Every donation was appreciated. We had a great assortment of gifts for children to choose from. Many parents mentioned that their children asked to come back to shop this year. Thank you to everyone who showed up to help set up, help with the shopping, or to help pack up. This project takes many people and it couldn’t be done without PUMC’s support. Mrs. Claus will be back in 2025. The donation box will continue to be by the elevator at the south door.

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the lord, and he will repay him for his deed.”
Proverbs 19:17
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