United Women in Faith
Organizational Purpose
United Women in Faith is the public-facing name of United Methodist Women in the United States, the women’s organization of The United Methodist Church. Our organizational Purpose and local church group Purpose were both adopted in 1972 shortly after the church union that formed the then new denomination and are detailed in The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church, 2016, in ¶1902 and in ¶256, respectively. ¶ 1902—United Methodist Women shall be actively engaged in fulfilling the mission of Christ and the Church and United Methodist Women’s national organization shall interpret the Purpose of United Methodist Women for the whole organization. With continuing awareness of the concerns and responsibilities of the Church in today’s world, United Methodist Women shall support ministry with and advocate for the oppressed and dispossessed with special attention to the needs of women, children, and youth; shall work to build a supportive community among women; and shall engage in activities that foster growth in the Christian faith, mission education, and Christian social involvement throughout the organization.
The Paxton United Women of Faith have historically supported Cunningham Children’s Home and other missions, served refreshments at area nursing homes, coordinated funeral dinners, and maintained contact with church homebound members. All women of the church are invited to attend the monthly program and social gatherings from September to May, typically held at 1 pm on second Thursdays of the month at the church. Contact Caryl Nuckols for further information.
Next meetings:
Thursday, March 13, 2025 - 1 pm
Thursday, April 10, 2025 - 1 pm
Thursday, May 8, 2025 - 1 pm

Paxton United Women in Faith contribute to Success of 20th Anniversary Cunningham Children's Home Festival of Quilts Success
The Paxton United Women in Faith have been long-time supporters of Cunningham Children's Home in Urbana. In the Home's 129 years of existence, quilters from across Illinois have donated quilts for each resident, and United Methodist churches and women's groups have been loyal supporters in many ways. Paxton UMC member Mary Rogers and the late Joan Bixby have donated many beautiful quilts over the 20-year history of a Festival of Quilts fundraiser--this year, Mary's Feathered Star was one of the featured quilts on sale. Other members have donated craft and bake sale items and volunteered at the event. To help mark this year's special 20th anniversary, the Paxton UWF group has joined 50 other units from across the Illinois Great River Conference by making a special Tribute gift donation.
CCH Director of Advancement Ginger Mills reports that "the proceeds from this year’s Festival of Quilts have given us one million reasons to celebrate, marking a significant milestone in the Festival’s 20-year history. This year's event raised an impressive $77,817 (2nd highest total ever) and pushed us past the $1 million mark raised in our 20 years. Our community’s generous support continues to make a profound impact on our mission, enriching the lives of the youth and families we serve."
Paxton United Methodist Church members have faithfully contributed to Cunningham over the years--via individual, church-wide mission basket, and United Women in faith donations; UWF quilt show support; and special activity and Christmas gift participation.Thanks to all who support this important special needs residential, educational, vocational, and transitional living and family support ministry. To keep up with Cunningham news, visit www.cunningham.org or follow CCH on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CunninghamChildrensHome/